Thank you for your great support on “99 Giving Day”!

In less than 60 hours, with 860 public donations, 100,000 yuan from corporate donors, 10,000 yuan and 7,885 yuan from Shanghai United Foundation and Tencent Foundation respectively, the VTT project of Stepping Stones has raised 171, 106.34 yuan during the Tencent “99 Giving Day”.

That is an exciting achievement, and allows us to proceed with the training of 20 more teachers in Spring 2020! With a final effort to raise the remaining 40,000, we can meet our target of training 10 more teachers in the Fall!

Big Thanks to our corporate donors!
They are:


Thank you to Tims Coffee House for supporting our offline fundraising event!

We appreciate your generosity and your commitment to social welfare as responsible entrepreneurs.

We also send our heartfelt thanks to our charity ambassadors. With different backgrounds, from business leaders to students, they put their pride on one side and selflessly ‘exploited’ their networks for our cause. We are honored to have you on our side!

Of course, last but not least, we appreciate our public for your support. Regardless of the donation amount, you are the most reliable cornerstones in this uncertain and sometimes confusing world. You always inspire us.

Stepping Stones is committed to improving the education and welfare of disadvantaged Chinese children. The work needs patience and persistence. And we occasionally feel overwhelmed, but your supports always keeps us going.

The VTT project has been running for two years. 55 rural English teachers have been trained through our online training platform, benefiting thousands of students. Now we are able to continue this project to benefit more rural teachers and students with all your efforts.

We are still 40,000 yuan short from the funding target. The donation channel is still open even though Tencent ’99 Giving Day’ is over. If it is the first time that you’ve heard of our VTT project, you can learn more by clicking on the link.

One rural teacher on average educates at least 200 students. Therefore, to support one teacher’s training means to give 200 students a chance of better learning opportunities.

Let’s work together, and give rural children a bit of a head-start!